Joseph Snyder
Discos R Us
My name is Joseph Snyder, I grew up and live on a small farm in Alfred, NY with six brothers and one sister.
I can’t say for sure what year it was but I first shot an airgun when I was between five and eight years old, it was an old Crosman Pump Master 760
That my brother’s had to pump up for me, started off just shooting the occasional tin can then when I was a bit older one of my brothers bought a Dual Caliber Beeman RS2 and 4x scope combo for shooting pigeons on the farm, well when I turned 12, I was given the responsibility of making sure the pigeon didn’t get out of hand and make a mess in the hay barn. So I went right to it and was able to keep their number down and never much thought about airguns, having had my interest sparked in center-fire rifles and hunting, so for a few years I didn’t give them much thought and dove heard first into powder burners(PB’s) I met an older gentlemen that saw how interested I was and would give me all his gun magazines after he had read them, so I eagerly read everything I could find on them, I checked out almost every book the library had about guns and read and read.
That went on for quite sometime and then one summer we had an especially large flock of pigeons so one evening I grabbed the Beeman RS2 and headed up into the hay mow only to find half the time I was missing… so the next day I set up a target to see if it had lost its zero, but I could get it to shoot under an 1in. at 20yds. So I got online looking for information on how to be more accurate and those searches lead me to GTA where
I learned about all the different kinds of rifles and hold sensitivity. As soon as I read about PCP’s and their accuracy and lack of hold sensitivity I was hooked, I started reading everything I could find on the forums and watching all the classifieds for a used rifle.
and after about 6 months of reading and saving I got my first air rifle, a refurb .22 caliber Benjamin Discovery from Norm at DiscosRUs,
and a hill pump from PyramydAir to fill it with and I’ve since owned over a dozen PCP’s from a variety of brands an in .177-.25
I continued to learn on GTA and have started working on airguns and tuning my Disco’s and while reading on GTA I came across the sport of Field Target(FT) which sparked my interest and after doing lots of reading and watching video’s on it I was able to go to my first FT match at the Crosman All-American Field Target Championship and had a great time shooting but really loved getting to meet and talk with other airgunners,
and have since been to half a dozen matches including the PA cup in Ohio. And now I’m a Crosman dealer and Certified Service Station and hope to continue in airguns both competitively as well as in marketing and development.
Joseph Snyder